People have become to reliant on quick fixes and when it comes to acne, they are wanting to see a change right then and there. Never wanting to address the problem at the core.
Doing research on the drug, people's are hailing Roaccutane as a game changer that rescued them from the horrible anguish of cystic acne and provided them with the miracle of clear skin.
But after experiencing Roaccutane's rare but devastating adverse effects, some people wont wish it on their worst enemy.
Roaccutane has an extensive list of negative effects. Depression, suicidal thoughts, mood swings, birth defects in pregnant women, nose bleeds, gastrointestinal problems, hair loss, dry skin, and other symptoms are among them.
The most common side effects are:
dryness of the lips, mouth, nose and skin A moisturiser or petroleum jelly can be used to soften the lining of the nose, lips and the skin areas not affected by the acne
fragile skin
change in colour of the skin
peeling palms of the hands and soles of the feet
itchy skin rash
an increased susceptibility to sunburn
flaring of acne, usually at the start of treatment
changes to the nails
eye problems such as dry, sore, swollen or itchy eyes, discharge or trouble seeing at night
sexual dysfunction including impaired sexual function in males, decreased libido and gynaecomastia
tenderness or stiffness in your bones, joints or muscles
hair loss (sometimes occurs and is usually temporary but in rare cases has persisted)
excessive hairiness
Any acne medication should not be used if you are pregnant or trying to conceive. Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) use during pregnancy is associated with a very significant risk of serious birth abnormalities.
If you become pregnant while using isotretinoin, you should stop taking it immediately. A gynaecologist can then provide you with additional testing and advice.
Birth malformations caused by isotretinoin include:
facial, eye, ear, and skull anomalies
difficulties with the thymus and parathyroid glands, as well as the central neurological system and cardiovascular system
decreased IQ
Isotretinoin has also been linked to miscarriages and premature births.
The more server side effects you must call your doctor.
persistent headache
blurred vision or visual disturbances
changes in your hearing or ringing in your ears
severe upper stomach pain
unexpected muscle pain, tenderness or weakness
blood in stools or severe diarrhoea
severe bruising
sudden red, often itchy spots, similar to the rash of measles starting on the face, hands or feet. The spots may blister or change to flat round raised, red, pale-centred marks. You may also have a fever, sore throat, headache and/ or diarrhoea.
painful red areas, that change to large blisters and end with peeling of layers of skin, that may occur on lips, mouth, eyes, nose and genitals. Those affected may have fever and chills, aching muscles and generally feel unwell.
thinking, seeing or hearing things that are not real
feeling depressed, with or without suicidal thoughts